Are you a homeschool mama with

ADHD tendencies?

Me too. I know what it’s like to struggle to reign in my wild heart and get through the day…every day. But I’m also a certified life coach who’s shown dozens of women that it doesn’t have to be this hard.

Join me for an intimate coaching group specifically for homeschool mamas with ADHD

Five weeks

8 women


  • Meet supportive, likeminded women going through the same struggles

  • Reframe your ADHD tendencies + get the tools to manage it

  • Learn concrete, personalized strategies for leading a healthier, more authentic life and homeschool

  • Be guided through both practical and meditative exercises that get to the root of why you struggle to follow through, and will pave the way for you to finally implement

  • Get coaching on your specific circumstances by a certified life coach who homeschools with ADHD too

I’m Emily, and I’m here to help you navigate the murky waters of homeschooling when you have ADHD.

Until three years ago, I had no idea that my lifetime of struggles with time, organization, and money management, emotional regulation, decision making, people-pleasing, and self worth were rooted in ADHD.

I thought if I just tried harder, I could be everything to everyone…and I burned myself out.

Luckily, I picked up some great tools and training from life coach certification, hypnotherapy training, research, somatic therapists, my own ADHD coach, and, let’s face it—years of trial and error.

The experience, education, mindset shifts, tools, and strategies I’ve collected are hard won, and have been invaluable to helping me navigate life and be there for the people I love.

I’m excited to share these with you and support you on your own journey to creating a homeschool and a personal life that feels like you, whether or not you have an ADHD diagnosis.

How is this coaching group different from other ADHD and homeschooling programs?

  1. First of all, it addresses both. Thankfully, there’s a lot of support out there these days for both ADHD and homeschooling—much more than there used to be. But it’s rare to find something that can support you at the intersection of the two.

  2. Second, we don’t just talk about strategies—we implement. (Most programs tell you what to do but don’t help you implement, which involves identifying obstacles and resolving the underlying reasons you struggle to follow through. This program is the opposite: I coach you individually on your specific circumstances and help you identify your unique obstacles and strategies.)

  3. Third, it’s a live, collaborative experience in an intimate setting that’s tailored to the specific needs of the group. How ADHD manifests in your life is unique to you. The help you receive should be, too.

  4. Fourth, it’s ADHD friendly. We do impactful exercises in real time, so there’s no need for modules to complete outside of class, or homework you’ll never get around to. All you have to do is show up with an open mind and a willing heart, and I’ll take care of the rest.

What’s included?

  • Five transformative 75-minute live coaching sessions in a cozy, small group setting

  • Recordings of each call uploaded and emailed to you within 24 hours, along with notes, relevant resources, and optional extension materials to help you implement what you learn

  • A special discount on private coaching

What you’ve been doing hasn’t worked.

Isn’t it time to try something new that does?

What if this is the space for you to find the direction you’re looking for? The help that actually helps?

I believe it is. I’m so honored to share it with you.